Chit gioca

Chit Naing is a 3 year old boy with down syndrome, he has a developmental delay in cognitive skills and lives in Kon Lon village tract, in Taunggyi district.

Our physiotherapist, Ju Ju, visited his family for the first time at September 2019 and since then he improved so much! Thanks to home based treatments included in our Community Based Rehabilitation program, we’re helping him to develop his full potential.

Here his story.

I met Chit Naing in September 2019 and I made a first physiotherapeutic evaluation. When we met for the first time, the child was able to roll in a supine position, he was able to sit very well but he was not crawling, he simply moved moving on the buttocks and tried to stand with the help of an adult. The child often got sick from his low immune system. For these reasons, it was important to explain to the mother the conditions of Down syndrome and the importance of nutrition, hygiene and early childhood intervention for a child with disabilities.

Chit Naing

I then did a physiotherapy treatment such as standing up and sitting down several times to improve the power and tone of the muscles of the lower limbs. I taught him to screw and unscrew the bottle lip to help him improve fine motor skills. I provided wooden forms and teaching materials to play to improve his cognitive, communicative and social skills.

We also provided child walker with wheel to allow him to practice standing and walking.

After only 5 months, Chit Naing manages to crawl forward and manages to stand up without the help of an adult. He is able to walk with the walker with the help of his mother in their home. The muscle power of the lower limbs has improved considerably. It is able to screw and unscrew the cap of the water bottle very well. He is learning to stack toy containers and insert the 4 different wooden shapes.

Chit camminaIt was important to have explained and taught all these exercises and activities to her mother, so she was able to participate in the activities and stimulate her baby. This is exactly the added value of Community Based Rehabilitation, to involve parents and relatives in children’s rehabilitation in order to develop their maximum potential. The development of Chit Naing has already improved a lot and there will be further improvements!