Unfortunately Covid-19 pandemic is not improving in Myanmar and India, at the opposite the situation is now worsening.
In Myanmar this week the lock-down re-started even stricter in Yangon region, where we have our central office.
Our country director, Livio Maggi, is always in touch with governmental staff and he wrote us that the government is now planning to distribute essential items to all families in order to avoid everybody to go out. Actual official numbers of infected people are not so high, with 8515 cases and 155 deaths, anyway it’s a critical situation as they have only 70 places in intensive care in the whole country. So our staff is temporarily not allowed to go to disability centers and to the juvenile center we are supporting in Yangon, we’re keeping on supporting them only through hygienic and basic materials distribution.
Luckily the virus is not spreading so high in Shan State, where we have our projects in Taunggyi and Kyaing Tong, so our staff is keeping on working as usual at the service of our beneficiaries in disability, education, social inclusion and rural development fields.
In India the situation seems to have no end. Few weeks ago it seemed that the situation was a bit improving and the lock-down has been a bit relaxed, our staff managed at the beginning of August to re-start activities for children with disabilities in Jaipur slums and we were hoping that this could have been our new start. Unfortunately at mid-August a flood occurred in Jaipur and Covid numbers started again to increase, we all know last weeks’ numbers reaching actual 5.818.570 cases with 92.317 deaths. Especially in Rajahstan the situation has worsened, the lock-down started again at the beginning of September and now we only have to wait for another improvement. Our local staff is keeping on supporting our beneficiaries with basic goods distributions, but they can’t wait to start again with all therapies, because those children really need it.
We are really grateful to our local staff because they managed to keep on supporting all beneficiaries, finding always alternative ways, they are very special and devoted people, thanks so much!
We still need some help in order to face this critical situation which is still keeping to create problems, especially for the poorest. If you wish to help in some way you can donate here indicating in notes “Covid-19 emergency”.
Thanks to you all who already helped, without your help nothing wouldn’t have been possible.
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