After the military coupd of February 2021 the economical situation deeply worsened.
The population living below the poverty line (defined by UNDP as 1.590 Kyats, actually 0,85 €, per day) is more than doubled since 2020, from 24% to almost 50%, as reported by WFP.
Protests rapidly developed into a real civil war. At one side there are military troups, at the other side the resistency groups organized by civil population.
This war lead to an exodus from regions affected: new Internally Displaced People since February 2021 are 982.000, as reported by UNHCR.
In regions where New Humanity is operating, thousands of IDPs arrived and created new settlements where they managed to find a place.
We want to stay close to the population in areas where we are operating, helping families to meet their basic needs. For this reason we decided to keep the emergency sector, because THE EMERGENCY IS NOT OVER!
With your help for the emergency campaign we could buy food for families. Our staff is already in touch with families in cities and rural contexts in order to provide them with basic goods (rice, oil, beans, eggs and milk).
Families involved in this first stage will be consequently involved in our development programs, but for the moment the real emergency remains very deep and we have to firstly meet this alimentary need in order to grant the survival of population we are working with.
Bank Transfer
Banca Consulia
IBAN To “Fondazione New Humanity International Onlus”
Send us an email to info@newhum.org with your datas in order to send you the receipt for your donation.