Annual Report
Dear friends and supporters,
Renewing our gratitude for your constant support, I reach out to you again this year with an update on the events that characterized the life of our Foundation throughout 2023.
It has been a challenging year because of the numerous conflict situations, climate change and social hardship that still affect too many areas of our “Common Home”., as Pope Francis likes to call the earth, the place where humanity shares its achievements and struggles, the place where we too want to play our part, in favour of Peace, Development and Cooperation, the pillars on which the Foundation bases its actions since its origins.
All programs in Myanmar continue uninterrupted, despite the ongoing civil war. We are among the very few organizations that are still working on the field, despite countless difficulties and uncertainties.
Our field operators often have to adjust the timing and methods of intervention, combining development activities with emergency interventions.
In India the program of rehabilitation and social inclusion has gone from year to year more and more consolidating. The staff has reached a good level, both in skills and in professional training and our work in the three slums of Jaipur where we operate continues to give significant benefits to the families and communities of the children.
As anticipated last year, in 2023 we landed in Tunisia, a country still affected by serious socio-economic issues. Following the initiation of the partnership with the “Amal pour la famille et l’enfant”, our intervention has focused on the educational and social inclusion fields.
Finally, our programming is also turning its gaze towards Cameroon.
As you can easily imagine, with the launch of the partnership in Tunisia and the preparation of the intervention in Cameroon, the load of work required to the staff of the headquarters in Milan has significantly increased. It was therefore necessary to consolidate the human resources and the staff was brought to 3 employees with different assignments, supported by a voluntary consultant.
The new organization chart will ensure more effective and coordinated management of all work, to the benefit of ongoing projects in decentralised locations.
I take this opportunity to thanks the staff of Milan for the professionalism and dedication with which they take to heart the development programs abroad, often not easy to manage, and for the tireless commitment.
I conclude with a final thanks to you, friends and supporters, that you generously continue to help our projects ad strengthen our enthusiasm. We work together to build a future of peace, that our Common Home needs so much nowadays.
Enjoy the reading!
The Director
Massimo Cattaneo