“The future starts here!”
Last saturday, archbishop Mario Delpini met all children waiting for the Confirmation in San Siro Stadium, during this meeting FOM (Fondazione Oratori Milanesi) decided to introduce everybody to one of our projects in Myanmar: the Golden Beehive!
During this day 40.000 people had the chance to watch the video presentation of the project, and moreover our projects reached every parrish in the diocese because it was inserted in the preparation path for catechism.
Lots of groups dedicated a special collect to our children in Insein, and some of them made it with originality and creativity. Here some pictures from two parrishes, look how wodnerful they are!
We also want to show you the video presentation of the project which have been shown last saturday, in this video our program manager, José Magro, is telling us how this project started and how it is going now.
Many news talked about the event also mentioning New Humanity’s project, here you can see the TG3 news of saturday night, an article of Milano Today and an article from the site of Milan’s church.
As you already know, this project is about a little pre-scholar centre for children aged 4, in order to start a pre-scholar education and, meanwhile, spread awareness among families regarding health and hygiene.
In this slum there are 350 families, for a total of 1500 people, among them 89 children under 5 years old.
The school’s name is Golden Beehive. Beehive as a community in which everybody is taking care of others, in which everybody has his own role and leaders could take care of little ones. Golden because it is the sacred colour of Myanmar people.
The start up of the school and the elaboration of the program has been possible under the supervision of Josè Magro, psychologist with specialization in development and childhood psychology.
Last April the 25th, 60 children were welcomed for their first official school-day!
In the school we developed propaedeutic subjects to school integration, but we also focus on relational abilities and emotional development of children.
We organized the day into 2 shifts, in order to welcome a greater amount of children, involving 31 children in the morning and 29 children in the afternoon.
If you want to support this project you can see the project’s table and find supporting modalities at this page.
Now we only have to wait and see the wonderful change the this new center will produce in the slum, we’ll keep you updated!
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