2022 was a good year for our projects in Kyaing Tong, in the eastern part of Shan State: New Humanity continued its activities on rural development, training and disability support and the results are very encouraging for the future!
In the AGRICULTURAL SECTOR, farmers in the area have been provided with 90.000 local tea plants, 200 avocado trees, 600 macadamia plants and 200 wild apple trees: besides generating income and food, these crops are essential to combat soil erosion and promote reforestation. Two agricultural nurseries have been built in two villages in the area, with the aim of enabling farmers to closely follow the entire process of crop growth. It’s essential that the population is trained on which agricultural systems are best for the area, that’s the reason why courses on natural fertiliser production, seasonal and long-term crops, and plant pest control have not stopped. With a total of 17 training sessions, we reached out 588 people!
As we all know, besides from training, it’s very important to show concretely how to put into practice knowledge. For this reason, 3 study tours were organised over the course of the year, with a total of 76 farmers participating: it was very educational and inspiring for them to see how to manage efficient cultivation of tea, coffee, macadamia, wild apples, potatoes, beans and other vegetables. In addition, in some hilly areas in Kyaing Tong, farmers were shown how SALT (Sloping Agricoltural Land Technology) works. To combat deforestation, three farmers were involved in the planting of 900 acacia trees; New Humanity also purchased 1.000 senna plants for a local village.
The project’s rural development objective was also realised through the construction of water supply systems in 4 villages : tanks were installed to store clean water for the inhabitants, while an artesian well was dug in a women vocational school. In this way, almost 500 people now have constant access to clean water sources!
The New Humanity project also continued in the EDUCATIONAL SECTOR: 20 young women participated in a three-day intensive women empowerment course on the production of wine, jam and pickled fruit, learning the necessary theoretical and practical skills. Nutritional education, which is fundamental for all age groups, was not neglected either: during 7 meetings, topics such as the importance of a healthy and nutritious diet, the special attention that must be paid during pregnancy and during the first years of children’s lives, breastfeeding, the consumption of iodized salt, malnutrition and the prevention of related diseases were talked about. A total of 365 people participated. Another topic covered was the correct use of water from a hygienic point of view: during the session, 51 villagers from Pu Mao gained knowledge about diseases that can be transmitted through contaminated water, the use of flush toilets and hygienic practices for washing hands properly.
In the area of SOCIAL ASSISTANCE and the DISABILITY programme, support was certainly not lacking for the 50 children of a kindergarten in Kyang Tong where New Humanity built two toilets and constantly provides them with medicines and hygiene products. We also finance the purchase of food and sanitary products for the St. Mary’s disability centre, for the Naung Kan Leper Colony and for 54 children with disabilities in the area, who are also followed and accompanied during visits and assessments by medical specialists. Our programme also financially supported the costs of treatment to correct a ankle congenital defect of a disabled child, the 25-day hospitalisation of another child and the purchase of a wheelchair (1/3 of the cost was covered by the child’s family). In addition, the programme includes professionals who help children with disabilities to progressively acquire autonomy, motor skills and social independence: in addition to medical and rehabilitation visits, a day of aggregation was organised for the families of 30 disabled children, in order to create a close group and make the little patients happy!
New Humanity also built a new Community Based Rehabilitation centre, completed in September, where 2 meetings were held with 49 parents of disabled children to explain to them how the centre will function in the coming year. In terms of training, a 5-day course was organised for 3 nuns from the staff of the St. Mary’s disability centre to explain them how the Inclusive Development on a Community Base (SIBC) approach is structured, so that they can put it into practice in an optimal way.
All our work in the disability sector has seen a huge improvement over the past year thanks to the constant cooperation of the don Carlo Gnocchi foundation, which accompanies us step by step by training our staff.
Last but not least, the project supported a computer course for 6 local youths and provided medicine and salary for 9 teachers at the Wan Ning Monastic School.
We reached almost 2000 people – a great number! – but our goal is that the knowledge people have learnt will be shared with others, so that the educational and awareness-raising effect can reach more and more people.
With these excellent results and full of energy to continue bringing concrete hope, we take this opportunity to thank all our local and international staff and you. We will keep you updated on our progress in the coming months.
See you soon!
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